Important Guidelines for Using the RSSA® Credential & Logo
Thank you for being part of the RSSA® community! Whether you are actively pursuing your designation or have already achieved it, we appreciate your commitment to improving Social Security literacy and retirement planning.
For those who have passed the RSSA® Final Exam, congratulations on earning the Registered Social Security Analyst (RSSA®) designation! This achievement signifies your expertise in Social Security planning and benefits optimization, setting you apart as a trusted professional.
To maintain the integrity and professionalism of the RSSA® credential, it's essential to follow specific guidelines regarding its use.
Important Clarifications
- Only individuals who have successfully passed the RSSA® Final Exam and are in good standing may use "RSSA®" after their name.
- The RSSA® credential is a representation of high educational standards and may not be used unless earned.
Guidelines for Credential & Logo Usage
To ensure proper and compliant use, please adhere to the following:
Using the RSSA® Credential
- Always display RSSA in capital letters with the ® symbol (e.g., RSSA®)
- Never include periods (e.g., do not use R.S.S.A.)
- The credential must always be associated with an individual certified by NARSSA
- Always reproduce the RSSA® logo from original artwork provided by NARSSA
- Never alter or modify the RSSA® logo in any way
- Artwork for the RSSA® mark is available in a variety of formats and sizes in your member account
Restrictions on the RSSA® Logo & Marks
- The RSSA® logo and the Registered Social Security Analyst® mark must not be used in domain names, URLs, or email addresses unless provided directly by NARSSA.
- The use of the RSSA® logo or marks must always be associated with you as an individual credentialed professional and may not be used in any manner that implies you are representing NARSSA, Ltd. (RSSA® the company). The logo or marks should solely reflect your status as a credentialed professional.
Use of the RSSA® logo on Facebook pages, websites, promotional materials, banners, shirts, or any public-facing content requires prior approval from NARSSA if the content was not created by NARSSA.
- To simplify this process, we are not looking to impose burdensome requests or "police" members. Our goal is to maintain the integrity of the RSSA® credential and ensure proper usage.
- For approvals, please email with a brief description of the intended use. We'll respond promptly to support your efforts.
Why These Guidelines Are Critical
Adhering to these rules protects the value and integrity of the RSSA® designation. Improper use could harm the reputation of the credential, which is recognized as a hallmark of excellence in Social Security planning.
Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in corrective action, including but not limited to:- Revocation of RSSA® certification for credentialed members
- Legal action to protect NARSSA's intellectual property, including our trademarked materials, logos, and other proprietary content
- Notification to relevant parties, including clients or employers, regarding unauthorized use of the RSSA® credential
These measures are not taken lightly and are designed to ensure that the RSSA® mark continues to represent the high standards expected by clients and the public.
We're Here to Help
We understand there may be questions or situations where additional clarification is needed. If you're unsure about proper usage or want us to review your materials, please reach out to us at
Thank you for your commitment to professionalism and for helping us maintain the high standards that define the RSSA® community.